On an island formed by lava that solidified in ancient times,
There are trees that have endured the waves and winds of the Sea of Japan over many years,
and a variety of birds that visit each season.
Feel the nature of this island with your senses.

Primeval Forest

Oshima is home to numerous primeval forests with native species
like "tabunoki", "sutajii", "yabunikkei(Japanese wild cinnamon)", and "yabutsubaki(Camellia)",
providing an opportunity to experience untouched nature.


The stones of Oshima exhibit a beautiful striped pattern reminiscent of waves.
This andesite rock is called "ryumongan" or "Namitsukiiwa", is utilized for stairs and paving stones throughout the island.
When exploring Oshima, take a moment to appreciate the captivating andesite beneath your feet.