Ya Kujira Ema
Between 1200 and 1300 years ago, when a large number of bad guys attacked from the sea on warships, the deity worshiped on Ojima exterminated them with bows and arrows.
Since then, this miraculous experience has been passed on to future generations, and the deity of Oshima was considered the deity of bows and arrows, and a belief in arrows related to family safety, good luck, marriage, etc. was born.
It is said that in the past, bows and arrows were offered as offerings not only by local people but also from all over the country.
In the past, when the deity of Oshima sought to reach this land, they initially asked the waves, but the request was declined.
So, they approached a whale, and the whale agreed to carry them.
Thanks to that, the deity of Oshima arrived on this land riding the whale.
Therefore, whales are considered to be messengers of deity.